After that day, I took my training, my nutrition and my strategy to a "more-serious-than-not" level. I've PRed since then, but not without injury and a ton of sacrifice. And while I really want to run all of the "Big Five" (Boston, Chicago, New York, London, Berlin), something doesn't seem right about checking Chicago off on that list just yet.
Chicago has become my white whale. And I'm coming back to take it out.
I am extremely happy to announce that I'll be toeing the start line in the 2015 Chicago Marathon, as a runner for the Best Buddies of Illinois. The funds I raise will be to help BBIL "create opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development" for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
If you're a longtime reader, friend, family member, or just accidentally landed here because you were really trying to find some boots to run in, it would be rad if you could take minute and donate (any amount, seriously):
You guys have always been super supportive after some "meh" races, or some great ones, and for that I am eternally grateful. This race and this cause is a pretty big deal in the Bootinelli house, and I could tell you how much it means to me...but I think I have been for the past 3 years.
My 16 weeks to Chicago starts in 7 days. Let's do this thing.