Days until Newport: 72
I woke up this morning to a shout out from a fellow runner, Amanda (née @RunOnWaffles). Turns out, she's the raddest, and has nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award.

Amanda and I found each other by accident: I was helping her as a shopper in distress. (For those of you who don't know, my day time gig is the omnipresent Concierge for Rue La La.) She ID'd herself as a marathoner in her profile, so we started talking, natch. We bonded over our love of peanut butter, the Yankees, and that we were both running bloggers. At the time, I was still planning on running the MCM, and she's in DC, so we were a match made for interwebz heaven. Since that day, we have been tweeting support for each other while we train (she's gunning for Philly this year). As I've said before, I love the community that running has fostered for me, and she's been a huge part of that.
Part of receiving this nomination includes listing seven things about yourself, and nominating other bloggers.
Seven thing to know about the Boots
1. I'm as crazy about craft beer as I am about running. I love IPAs, Belgians, porters, stouts...the list goes on and on. I've been on a German kick as of late, since I think I destroyed my pallet with West Coast IPAs for the better part of this decade, and Germans make very balanced, drinkable beers. I subscribe to Beer Advocate, and have even started brewing with my boyfriend. My go-to beers are Narragansett, Harpoon IPA and Pretty Things Jack D'or. Outside of New England, I've been spotted with Saranac or Yuengling (which you can't get in Mass) in my hand.

2. I was born a city-dweller. When I was 9, I stepped off a bus, into the middle of Manhattan for a day trip. Literally, at that very moment, I knew I wanted to live in a city. I was hell-bent on getting out of the 'burbs, and at 18, I moved to Boston, happy as a clam, never to return to Upstate for more than 2 weeks at a time. Leaving an urban area causes panic attacks and bewilderment.
3. I hate the number 3. Seriously. Things in 3s bug the bejeesus out of me. Did you ever try to be part of a friendship of three? Fucking. Nightmare. But triangles are my preferred shape. <Boom> Head explodes.
4. I played the clarinet in the school band. 5th-9th grade. I made it into an elite band of junior high and high school players, and we were invited to play at the White House. We played songs from different war eras (Civil, WWII and Gulf War...I just realized how awkward that set it...just now). I wore a big hoop skirt made by one of my friend's aunts. Then I quit because band was super nerdy.
5. My favorite movie is Clueless. Always and forever. I can still manage to quote it at least once a week, if not once a day.

6. I got the same SAT score on both the math and verbal sections...twice. It drove my mother nuts. For some reason, she thought that the SATs would finally settle which set of subjects I was stronger in (math + science, or art-y-ish things). Sorry. I'm just totally balanced. And brilliant. (And modest.)
7. My best Halloween costume, ever: The ("slutty") Red Stripe Man. 2006.

Some bloggers that rock my internets!
Ms. Meister from Running While Smiling
Miriam from Sometimes I Veg
Geno from Running FTW
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