Thursday, November 10, 2011

Four and Five in Twenty Twelve

Miles run this evening 3.8
Days until Burlington: 230

Registration for the Burlington City Marathon in Vermont opened up on November 1st. The reminder was sitting on my calendar taunting me a little bit while I waited for pay day. Should I really sign up? Am I really going to train this time? Am I really trying to PR on a mountain course?

After I floundered (almost literally) in Chicago in 2010, I took this year off of marathoning. My pride was hurt, and with it went my confidence, my desire and my reasons to run. Every race, I watch people pass me by as I plod along, and I wonder why I choose something I'm not very good at to be my passion. I always hate the "But you finished! That's incredible!" comments that come after my "I had the most horrible time ever. I didn't even train." statement that has become my CM10 soundbite.

So for 2011, I haven't run anything over 7 miles yet - not even in training. I focused on getting faster. I focused on shorter distances. I did a triathlon to get some cross training. And I really, really, really thought about why I run (one reason: I really, really, really hate swimming). Because the why fuels the when and the how often, which would ultimately feed into the how good I get.

The lynch pin race for me was the BAA 10K. If I didn't break an hour, after all the track workouts, training runs and lifting, I doubt I would have continued running. I just would have been too broken (why do I suck at marathons? Will there ever be enough training to run a 59:59 10K? Maybe I should take up competitive zumba) to run. Luckily, I ran it in 58:36 (thanks to help from my running buddy and a good cheering section), so here I am, staring down 2012.

Back in 2009, while I was in the middle of running the Boston Marathon, I decided I wanted to run 5 marathons before I turned 30. Back in 2009, 30 seemed least 4000 years away. Now it means I have to run 2 marathons before October 25, 2012. Oof.

So like I said, here I am. Signed up for marathon #4, on a mountain course, trying to break 5 hours (which would be 1:19:50 over my last time, but a 19:07 improvement over my PR). I

1 comment:

  1. I believe that you will accomplish your goal of 5 marathons by 30. You're not one to let anything (even yourself) stand in the way of something you want. I'm really proud of you and all you've done so far (and continue to do). xoxo
