Monday, November 14, 2011

MapMyR...Whoa. Really?

Miles Run Today: 4.0 Miles for the week: 6.0
Days Until Burlington: 225

So I downloaded MapMyRun for my iPhone - more because I'm tired of having to come home and track how far I went or eyeballing it on the USATF site. Since I'm going to start really climbing in mileage - the last thing I want to do is run more (or less) than I'm supposed to (more concerned about the running more than I have to).

Yesterday I went for a easy two miler...and I was really surprised:
(a) Have I really been underestimating my mileage this much? I'm like 4 blocks away from where I usually hit a mile.
(b) Am I really running this fast? No way. No WAY. This is like...20 seconds off my race pace. Really? Really.

I'm not one to fight good news - but it just seems a little....too good. But, it's on Google. so it must be true, right?

I also have to recalibrate my training schedule - which is pretty typical for me. This time, I'm trying to have 20+ mile weeks before I actually start my race training (since there's no "Couch to 20 miles a week plan...shocker). I kind of dipped towards the end of September and early October, because I knew I weeks of maintaining 25 miles a week (which is what I start Burlington training). Welp, I just looked at ramp up safely (10% increase for 3 weeks, reduced mileage for a week), I will get up to 23 miles a week, drop to 18 for recovery, and roll right into training. Not super what I wanted to do, but it's yet another hash mark in the "laziness will make you pay" column. I really hate that column.

Annnnnd I'm looking into spin classes for cross training. Right now I just sit on the stationary bike outside the spin studio, and stare creepily while their in class, trying to determine if this would be way out of my league/how hardcore people are. Current questions that are looming:
(a) Will I look like a humongous tool if I wear cycling shorts with the padding in the butt?
(b) Will I look like a humongous tool if I wear sneakers instead of the clippy shoes?
(c) How much will this really shred my legs?

But tonight's run was perfect. It was 61 degrees, so I was running in short sleeve (in November!). There was no wind, so the river was like glass. Harvard reflected perfectly in the water. It was pretty rad (and 1 reason why I run). Best part: I've really been running 4 miles this whole time, not 3.8 like I originally thought.

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